ABA Data Collection | Pathfinder Health
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Effortless ABA data collection, better parent compliance, and reduced BCBA burnout.

Enhance your ABA data collection process, save valuable time, increase reimbursements, and make evidence-based decisions to help children thrive and achieve their maximum potential.

Grow your practice while delivering the highest quality professional care.

Simplify data collection

Start your sessions with insights rather than data collection with objective data that parents are engaged to capture outside the practice for you.

Increase reimbursements

Increase billings by over $25,000 per BCBA by eliminating non-billable hours and focusing on the highest quality patient interactions possible.

Fast & easy onboarding

Integrate within 3 hours, train your team in minutes.

Get better parent compliance than ever before

Say goodbye to tedious data entry with our efficient approach, and free up more time to focus on what really matters — your patients. The only parent-centric app already utilized by over 40,000 families!

App for Parents 


Therapist's Dashboard


As CEO of Summit Health Services and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), I highly recommend Pathfinder Health for parent data collection. 


This innovative platform allows us to tap into unused modification codes (97155), enhancing our revenue stream. Specifically we are able to increase revenue by $25,000 per provider. More importantly, it empowers meaningful and collaborative parent training (97156). 


By reviewing data collected by parents in advance, we can tailor our sessions to be more effective and focused, ensuring that every interaction is impactful and drives positive outcomes for the families we serve.


Jessica Swanson,

Summit Health Services


Adaptive behavior treatment with protocol modification administered by physician or other qualified health care professional, which may include simultaneous direction of technician, face-to-face with one patient, each 15 minutes.


Reimbursement: $19 per patient


Family adaptive behavior treatment guidance, administered by physician or other qualified health care professional (with or without the patient present), face-to-face with guardian(s) /caregiver(s), each 15 minutes.


Reimbursement: $110 per patient

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See what we can do for your ABA practice

Meet our Clinical Team

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Co-Founder & CMO

In addition to his role at Pathfinder, Paul is a board-certified Pediatrician and expert in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. In this capacity, he works with families of children with a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities and mental health disorders, including cerebral palsy, autism, genetic syndromes, ADHD, anxiety, and depression.


As a parent of a child with developmental delays, Paul is particularly passionate about empowering parents and advocating for their children. As one of only 800 developmental-behavioral pediatricians in the country, he is uniquely positioned to help those who are struggling the most. 

Reba Troxler

Developmental psychologist with a background in child development and education research.

Kavita Naik Cherry

Board-certified occupational therapist and clinical expert in pediatrics.

Emily Tower

Board-certified physical therapist and clinical expert in developmental pediatrics.

Sanjana Jayaram

Board-certified speech language pathologist with clinical experience in pediatrics.

Disclaimer: The information on this site are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, formal autism evaluation, formal developmental evaluation, professional diagnosis, or treatment. The information is NOT intended to replace consultation with your child's pediatrician or a qualified mental health professional.


About us


​​140 Lakeside Ave Suite A-159, Seattle, WA, 98122



This content does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read from Pathfinder Health’s content. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

© 2024 Pathfinder Health, Inc.

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